Just trying to connect with ya’ll. As a church family, I am feeling a little disjointed and out of place. This coronavirus having halted our normal church routines is challenging. One doesn’t have to go very long without the “fellowship of the saints” to know how vital and encouraging it truly is for every believer. I am missing my church family!
So What is Going On with the Family….
Well, some of our folks working in fields related to the medical industry are working long hours and very appreciative of our Prayers…
Some of our folks are using their youth and good health to help out high risk folks. They are getting the provisions they need for them so they can stay in…. Heck, I have received a few calls from folks saying they have an abundance of some items and could help others out if they are short. Even Toilet Paper, LOL! Just an FYI, I still have a few bottles of honey if any of you run out of Sugar…first come first serve, but I can’t imagine a world with our “sweet”! If you need help getting items and don’t want to get out because you are high risk, give me a call…we will do our best to hook you up with the help you need.
Some of our folks are concerned about losing jobs or work time and compensation that goes with that loss. I would encourage you to pray for these folks as well. If you are one of these and have not called me, please do so….don’t go under without giving your church family a chance to help in whatever ways we possibly can. I still have a couple couches someone can sleep on. 😊
If you are one of us whose normal routines are being altered…consider….
This could be a great time for more Bible Study and Prayer. (This might be a good time to inform that I have the Neil Anderson Books in, “Daily in Christ”. Five of you raised your hands as needing that book. I do not remember the five. If you will send me your names I will leave it on your front porch and wave at you through the window if need be. I also ordered extra if others of you are still needing one. Just let me know.)
You might also get caught up on a trillion things that you have been putting off forever! Surely I am not the only one with a list like that? Spend more time cultivating relationships where you can and however you can. I took my grandkids fishing twice this week and we all fished Six Foot apart! It was fantastic! This may be my new M.O. from now on.
Personally, I have also been trying to learn new things, Like….How to “live stream” a message to you all via facebook…. ☹ I am really not good at this, yet. If you are not a follower on the church facebook page please sign up so that you will be able to receive this. Some of you will also note that I now have a facebook page. This is something that was necessary for me to set up in order to be able to work with the Church facebook page. Please don’t be expecting me to do much with that personal page….however, I will friend everyone of you who wants me to…it may be a good way for you to keep me up to date on needs that arise in your life. I always prefer a call or a text though, and don’t see that changing. ….. I am also working on some skits and a book I started eons ago. Reworked a few goals and my prayer book too.
I will end with this, I intended to be short and am already printing more than what I have been told most folks will stop to read.
Please continue to pray and send your prayer request to myself or Sheelah.
Remember in your Prayers: Jerry Crocket and Art Yule both over 90 and in a care facility. We tend to forget those folks sometimes as they are out of sight and out of mind.
Love You All! Bro. Rickey
I am glad to see this. I have been wondering how other members of our church family are doing. Jim and I are doing just fine. Rather enjoying the quiet. Jim spends a lot of time sitting in his corner, kicked back in his chair with his Bible and study books. Occasionally I do see the eyes closed and little zzz above his head. Just wanted you to know we love and miss all of you. The Covels
Love to see this. Glad we can still connect in cyberspace. I miss all of you. Please let us know if you need anything. – Rushmers